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The Antonian & Graftonian Sort Kicks Off New School Year

September 16th, 2019


Hoosac School holds many traditions, most date back over 100 years. One of the oldest and most exciting traditions takes place during the first Friday night formal dinner of the school year. This event is called the Antonian & Graftonian Sort! One by one, newly enrolled Hoosac students reach their hand in the coveted wassail bowl and select a ping pong ball reading either "A" or "G", sealing their fate for the rest of their lives.

They will either join the Antonian team (named after Mount Anthony, which is to the north of the school) or the Graftonian team (named after the Grafton Hills that bracket the southeastern edge of campus). Each team also reflects the school colors: red for the Antonians and purple for the Graftonians. These teams compete throughout the year for the most points, and the winning team is granted the prestigious Guilford Cup! The culmination is at the end of the year, where we rent out Grafton Lakes State Park for ASADO Day!