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Larry Liu '24 Scores in Top 5% of American Mathematics Competition, Over 159,000 Competitors Total

November 16th, 2022

Congratulations to Hoosac's Larry Liu '24 for scoring in the top 5% of the American Mathematics Competition and qualifying for the American Invitational Mathematics Examination. This year, there were over 159,000 competitors in the American Mathematics Competition. Approximately 119,000 students in the United States and 40,000 students internationally competed for the high score. 

The AIME (American Invitational Mathematics Examination) is an intermediate examination between the AMC 10 or AMC 12 and the USAMO. All students who took the AMC 12 and achieved a score of 100 or more out of a possible 150 or were in the top 5% are invited to take the AIME.

If he does well on the next portion, Larry may qualify for the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO). Qualification for the USAMO or USAJMO is considered one of the most prestigious awards for high school students in the United States. Top scorers on both six-question, nine-hour mathematical proof competitions are invited to join the Mathematical Olympiad Program to compete and train to represent the United States at the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Best of luck to Larry as he continues to compete in the competition and show that he is one of the brightest students in America!