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OwlCast Returns With Season 3, Episode 3: Reign of the Jester

January 27th, 2023

Last Friday saw the end of the Jester’s Reign at the Bleeze Banquet. For those readers who have attended Hoosac, you know full well what the Lord of Misrule is all about. For those unfamiliar, the Jester is the main character in the Second Act of the Boar’s Head & Yule Log Pageant. This character has permission from the Headmaster to carry out pranks throughout the show and that permission extends to the end of the Hoosac Christmas season, which is defined as the Bleeze Banquet. Over the years there have been various levels of “misrule” but the over arching expectation is that all pranks will be in good fun.

This year the Jester sparked some controversy with his lack of activity. As you will hear in this podcast, that didn't sit well with the student body who look forward to the aggravation the Jester can sometimes cause the school. However, the Jester, Easton Cahill '23, made up for his lackluster beginning with a mad dash to the burning of the greens and his unseating from the throne of misrule. Take the time and listen to the entire podcast, it is quite entertaining! Click here to listen to Season 3, Episode 3: Reign of the Jester.